
Mart, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

What Is Learning? & Padlet

      We learn new skills and knowledge nearly every day, we learn at school or at home so nearly everywhere. But have you ever thought what is learning? "Learning is a function of brain. And it is time-dependent change or development of knowledge, attitudes and skill." says Prof. Dr. Soner Yıldırım. It means that learning changes knowledge, skills and attitudes in time. We learned how to walk or how to talk when we were children. Those changed the way we saw things and they added new skills to us. Learning how to speak a language is also a change in skills because you gain the skills to listen to in another language or speak in another language. Moreover it is a change in knowledge because we receive the knowledge of the language in order to speak that. So these are some of the examples of  learning. Now how this learning occurs?  Learning occurs by repeating. We repeat till we make the information permanent in the brain, which takes most of the energy that we produce. That

T&T: Technology and Teachers

      Our time in this world has encountered with the most initiative technologies that is starting to manage us and will probably run our world. Even though we are at the very beginning of this technology era, we are using technology in our daily lives much more than we did 20 years ago.When I was a child almost no one around me had a smart phone. But by the time I was in the elementary school my sisters and cousins had smart phones. Now not having a smart phone is considered as a very weird thing to some people. Because nowadays most of our jobs are done with technology. So smartphones are the easiest and sustainable ones to use. We can collect and reach an enormous amount of data within just seconds.       So what is in there for us, teachers? Well, we are responsible for teaching learners how to learn something. So for instance we, language teachers, teach the learners how to learn to speak, write, listen to and read in another language. Along the way of language teaching process,

Languages & Expressing Ourselves

         ( ¹ ) Cave Drawings         Have you ever had an experience where you wanted to express yourself and be understood by other people? Well that's because w e all have the need to express ourselves , this is in our nature.  Every day we express ourselves in a way or want to do it. It has been like this since the first humans . In the early times we can see humans' drawings inside of the caves  (¹) . They either wanted to let the others know about a hunt or food. But either way they expressed themselves. There are many ways to reflect our thoughts and as we all know, in most of them language occupies a big space.                                                                  Every day a lot of ideas and thoughts come to our minds, and we feel emotions. In a way; we want to reflect them so that we can be understood. Some of us use their body language and gestures, babies cry, some of us write, some of us sing etc. to do this. But in most of them there is a big role of la