What Is Learning? & Padlet

      We learn new skills and knowledge nearly every day, we learn at school or at home so nearly everywhere. But have you ever thought what is learning? "Learning is a function of brain. And it is time-dependent change or development of knowledge, attitudes and skill." says Prof. Dr. Soner Yıldırım. It means that learning changes knowledge, skills and attitudes in time. We learned how to walk or how to talk when we were children. Those changed the way we saw things and they added new skills to us. Learning how to speak a language is also a change in skills because you gain the skills to listen to in another language or speak in another language. Moreover it is a change in knowledge because we receive the knowledge of the language in order to speak that. So these are some of the examples of  learning. Now how this learning occurs? Learning occurs by repeating. We repeat till we make the information permanent in the brain, which takes most of the energy that we produce. That is also the reason why we can’t learn when we are not in a satisfied mood, our brain is taking care of our priorities since learning is something that we gained so much later in the evolution. Do you remember wen your English teacher said "repeat after me" well that was simply because they wanted you to learn the language an pronunciation by repeating. Other than that, I had teachers who gave us a bunch of homework so that we could repeat the knowledge that we gained at class so we complete the learning process and permanently gain that knowledge. 

     There are three parts of brain that are localized for learning. They are Hippocampus, which is responsible for the learning part, the other one is Amygdala, which is responsible for emotions and reacting, and the last one is Nucleus Accumbens, which is responsible for the dopamine and the pleasure. So our brain does a lot of job when learning occurs. So when learning in a classroom where are the parts of the lesson that are remembered mostly? They are the visual parts because our brain processes visuals faster and visual parts are more prominent.

    Our assignment on Material Design Class was watching Prof. Dr. Soner Yıldırım's video about learning and then answering the questions on padlet. Well Padlet digitizes the notice board for a rich media space that makes education communications better. So Padlet takes the idea of the notice board and makes it digital, so it's enhanced. This creates a space for teachers and students in education to share but in a way that's actually better than the real-world version. You can here answer your teacher's questions like in real life but except being ashamed of not knowing the right answer or anything. Maybe when there is an idea that needs to be discussed you can use padlet as a discussion board and it will save you a lot of time and effort. Because try to imagine you create an idea board in real life with all of your students' ideaes. Well that would be pretty hard. And that's when padlet comes to help us. In my last blog I mentioned about a few apps and sites that could be useful for teachers that teach a new language to their students. Well now this time I suggest padlet to create idea boards or just question answer boards and everything. 

Here is padlet link if you want to take a look:



   So I hope this was useful for you.

  From Saturn's ring with love:)


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