Languages & Expressing Ourselves

       (¹) Cave Drawings

        Have you ever had an experience where you wanted to express yourself and be understood by other people? Well that's because we all have the need to express ourselves, this is in our nature. Every day we express ourselves in a way or want to do it. It has been like this since the first humans . In the early times we can see humans' drawings inside of the caves (¹). They either wanted to let the others know about a hunt or food. But either way they expressed themselves. There are many ways to reflect our thoughts and as we all know, in most of them language occupies a big space. 


     Every day a lot of ideas and thoughts come to our minds, and we feel emotions. In a way; we want to reflect them so that we can be understood. Some of us use their body language and gestures, babies cry, some of us write, some of us sing etc. to do this. But in most of them there is a big role of language. We can have knowledge about the cultures, the countries and the people when we know the language that they speak. So I believe, in understanding each other and communicating with each other, language has an important role. 

        If I try to communicate with another person that speak another language it may be hard for us to understand each other. There the translation and language teaching come. With a lot of different languages and cultures around the world, as we all live together and in a way interact with each other, we have needed to translate our thoughts and writings throughout the history in order to express ourselves and understand each other. Because we are social livings trying to live together, we want to feel seen and understood by others. So why not use the power of language and try to understand each other?

        from Saturn's ring with love:)




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